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July 2022


By Raman Jokhakar
Reading Time 4 mins
Over the last five years – after 60 Journals, 8000 plus pages, dealing with 180 first-time authors, editing, and initiating more than 350 articles, interviews, surveys, poetries, cartoons, I would like to write this final editorial on the two editors: the person and the position. The person is a composite of all his background and intent, whereas the position is the carrier of expectations of others from a distinguished legacy. Each editor infuses his intent/content into the other, and in the process, an editor edits the editor.

For the editor, the person, to run a professional magazine with a fifty years’ legacy, alongside a full-time day job, calls for additional time and energy, month on month. For the editor, the position, it is vital to keep the direction, consistency and focus on readership. It means: you’ve got to do, what you need to do in the time you’ve got.

Like that pug in the advertisement following his master (Vodafone), wherever one editor goes, the other follows. Therefore, one editor must review and sign off the monthly issue, even at unusual times and places, to stand the test of the other editor. If one can call it so, I recall one scenic review of the journal, which was on an ATR between Manila and Palawan in the Philippines. At another time, a somewhat stretched review involved going over corrections at 1.30 a.m. out of a hotel after a tight day dedicated to a limited re