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July 2017


By K. C. Narang, Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 4 mins

‘There is no God, but where

there is devotion God exists’

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

Devotion is an integral part of our life – existence –
success and satisfaction come only with devotion. – for example – we are
devoted to our parents, teachers, mentors and family. We professionals would
not be successful if we were not devoted to our profession – our work. We are
devoted to our clients – this is basically devotion to our work which is
reflected in relationship with our clients. I am aware that service to our
clients is ‘barter’ because it is in exchange for monetary reward – but
more than financial reward it is the appreciation and respect we receive from
them. All this is because we are devoted to ourselves and above all we are
devoted to our Creator – one who looks after us through the thick and thin of
our life. Devotion is what keeps us on our path. However the paradox is that
when devotion leads to fanaticism and fundamentalism, it results in
destruction. The fanatic – (devotee) who is a terrorist creates misery
and even war.. This is the reason why it is said that devotion should make one
creative, caring and compassionate. The three ‘C’s represent our
devotion to society and God and has its own rewards. Hence, devotion needs
direction which initially comes from our parents, then from our teachers –
gurus – and thereafter from our own self. Devotion to our self directs us to
have a balanced and realistic expectation from our own self and others.
Devotion is the elixir of life and devotion removes dilemma and yields clarity.
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev says ! ‘to be devoted, does something beautiful to

Devotion – in the ultimate implies that one dissolves into
the object of one’s devotion. Devotion to Krishna converted queen Meera into
one who sang Krishna’s praise in the streets of Mewar. Ultimately, Meera lost /
merged herself in Krishna and became one with Krishna.

Let us consider a few other examples of devotion :

   Bharat’s devotion to Ram – everyone gives
example of Lakshman’s devotion to Ram but only few mention Bharat’s devotion to
Ram – who surrenders to Ram, rules as his proxy and lives the life of a sanyasi
in Ayodhya till Ram’s return.

   Devotion of Jesus to God made him say ‘I
and my father are one
’ – total loss of identity.

   Devotion converted doubting Thomas into Saint

   Surdas plucked his eyes not to be swayed by
his senses from devotion to Krishna.

   Devotion of Hanuman made him say to Ram ?there
is no difference between you and me
’. This devotion – merging of identity
made him immortal – Hanuman is believed to be alive even today in human form.

It is rightly said that `devotion is a one way street and has
the power to create the Creator’. I conclude by saying: without devotion
we stumble through life – so let us develop and live devotion.

I believe no action will give us satisfaction
unless it has a touch of devotion. – for example – we work with devotion
amongst other things to have our daily bread – food, hence let us ask ourselves
a simple question : Do we enjoy our daily bread ! The answer is No
because we consume it mechanically and we hardly enjoy what we eat but if we
are conscious of what we are eating – thank God before and after eating – take
time to enjoy our food we will experience satisfaction. Food will have a
different effect on our mind and body. We must be devoted to HIM who gives us
our daily bread. In other words – eat with devotion.

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