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September 2023

Devo na jaanaati kuto manushyah !

By Chandrashekhar N. Vaze, Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 3 mins
(Even God would not know; then where is the question of man knowing it?) This is a very interesting line from a Sanskrit verse. There are two versions of this shloka. The other version is: Raja Bhoj was a celebrity king in Indian history. His kingdom was Ujjain in the present Madhya Pradesh. The Bhopal airport is named after him. He was strong and kept the subjects secure and happy. He encouraged art and culture. Mahakavi Kalidasa, the well-known Sanskrit poet, was a respectable member of his Court. King Bhoj, who was himself intelligent and witty, encouraged virtuous people like Kalidasa. Kalidasa was his favourite and received a lot of appreciation and rewards from the king.
Other prominent people in the Court were jealous of Kalidasa. Once, they ‘bribed’ a female servant with ornaments. As instructed by them, she started saying that when Raja B