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June 2022


By Raman Jokhakar
Reading Time 6 mins
In this Editorial (my penultimate one), I am sharing what I have learnt about writing, especially as an Editor of BCAJ, being a professional for twenty-five years and reading quite a lot of material on writing. Many people had told me to write on writing after I wrote about Reading (‘Top Notch Habit’ in January 2021). Here is all I could fit in two pages out of the tiny speck I have learned after writing and editing for 60 months.

Writing follows an idea. To me, best ideas have come on long walks, post morning wake up time, while reading or listening to exceptional people, or observing something that interests me or bothers me.

An idea germinates as one spends time with the idea. Taking notes1 (your brain is for having ideas, not storing them) when they come unannounced (writing a few words can preserve an epiphany forever), talking to others who are into that subject, gathering more facts and experiences, and seeing it from multiple perspectives to derive clarity, helps the idea to evolve.

Shape the flow: Like a river that makes its trajectory, ideas need shape. Right points need emphasis. Expanding points to the extent the reader needs gives an idea its shape the size. Bullet points serve as the test of clarity. What I learnt decades ago: As a writer I must know what I want to say? And after writing, I must answer the question: Did I say it?

Use of words: Keep it