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April 2024


By C N Vaze, Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 2 mins

There was a National Award instituted by a reputed organisation. It was for the outstanding courage or valour shown by any person in any field. There were many nominations. People had indeed performed unbelievably fantastic feats in various fields. Their daring was simply amazing.

There was a mountaineer who climbed all the top summits in the world without an oxygen cylinder. Another nominee took a jump into a deep valley from a mountain peak, without a parachute or any other support. Another one swam across the Pacific Ocean without any guard-boat with him.

One nominee had fought successfully with four elephants at a time with only a stick in his hand. There was someone who jumped directly on a station platform from a bullet train running at the highest speed.

One para-commando from the Army fought alone with more than 100 enemy soldiers with only one rifle in his hand and killed many of them. Others ran away.

One fireman jumped into a burning fire without his protective gear and saved dozens of people caught in the fire. There were many who had travelled around the world, across all oceans, in a sailboat, alone! They were in the sea continuously, alone, for more than 60 days! They faced all storms, cyclones and other calamities.

Yet another one stayed in the co

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