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October 2011

Cry for Justices

By Raman Jokhakar, Tarunkumar Singhal
Chartered Accountants
Reading Time 1 mins
Attend to the shortage of judges at all levels on a war-footing.

The impending shortage of judges in the Supreme Court might grab headlines. But it is only the most visible aspect of a problem that ails our entire judicial system, right from the lowest to the highest level: the acute shortage of judges. So, come October, when seven of the judges of the Apex Court are due to retire, the Supreme Court will find itself functioning with less than 75% of its sanctioned strength. The position in High Courts all over the country is no better. According to news reports, with the exception of Himachal Pradesh, there is not a single High Court in the country that is functioning at full strength.

(Source: The Economic Times, dated 7-9-2011)

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