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An invoice is a legal document issued to the customer evidencing the supply of goods or services and generally contains various particulars, such as nature & description of supply, value of supply (taxable & otherwise), applicable tax rate, place of supply, etc. By issuing an invoice, a supplier stakes a legal claim for the value on the customer. Such invoice is recorded in the books of accounts. From a GST perspective, the law does not prescribe a format of the invoice but does list down the minimum particulars expected to be mentioned in the invoice (which is nomenclated as tax invoice). For most of the entities, the GST Law also requires that the particulars of the invoice be submitted to the Government portal for generation of Invoice Reference Number (‘IRN’), which needs to be mentioned in the invoice. The issuance of such tax invoice also triggers liability towards payment of applicable GST. In view of substantial volumes involved, most of the organizations have automated the process of generation of invoice, including the IRN and recording of the same in the books of accounts.
In a practical scenario, post the issuance of the invoice, there could be a need for a change in the particulars of the invoice or cancellation of the invoice already issued. The GST law envisages a possibility of such amendment or cancellation of in