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January 2024


By C. N. Vaze, Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 3 mins
Arjun : Hey Bhagwan, I am really tired. Shrikrishna : That you always are! What is the reason today? Arjun : Want to complete my CPE hours. Shrikrishna : What is CPE? Arjun : As per the Continuing Professional Education (CPE), every member must devote at least 30 hours, every years to studies to keep himself updated. Shrikrishna : Very good. 10,000 years ago, we also had this system. My Guru Sandipani and all other Gurus used to give us send-off on completion of our education of 12 years. They used to give a few instructions for life, from Taittireeya Upanishad. Arjun : What were those instructions? Shrikrishna : ‘Satyam Vada’ – Speak the Truth. Dharmam Chara – Perform your duty religiously and Swadhyayat Ma Pramadah – Never commit default in continuous Studies. Never give up on studies! Arjun : Oh! I heard somebody saying these are the foundations of our Code of Ethics. Your last point is nothing but our CPE!! Shrikrishna : Now tell me, what is your difficulty? Arjun : Somehow, I managed 20 hours out of the target of 30 hours. Shrikrishna : You people are known as the ones who ‘manage’ everything. Even CPE hours you manage? Arjun : Yes, Lord, we can’t he

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