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August 2022


By C. N. Vaze, Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 4 mins
On the 15th of August, 2022, we are completing 75 years of India’s independence. It is the Platinum Jubilee year. To mark this auspicious year, we tried to learn about the great patriots and martyrs who sacrificed everything, including their lives, for independence. Independence was earned by paying a heavy cost in terms of the blood and toil of thousands and lakhs of unsung heroes. We offered our Namaskaars to them.

Even today, so many armed personnel, other public security staff and genuine social workers are making a tremendous sacrifice to protect our independence and for the well-being of the common people.

We call India as our motherland (maatru-bhoomi). Land gives us everything required for our life. It feeds us. So we say ‘Vande Maatram’ – ‘Mother, I bow to thee!’

The word ‘Independence’ has a negative connotation. It means ‘absence of dependence’. Our Indian culture believes in positivity. Therefore, in our Indian languages, the word was translated as ‘Swaadheenta, Swarajya, Swatantrata’. It implies that we are dependent on ourselves (Swa). This is a very important thought.

We believe that India is God’s land. That is the reason why and how it has survived despite so many brutal invasions over the last 10 to 12 centuries. Admittedly, today we may not be in a very sound or enviable position. However, when we see the plight of our neighbours, we can certainly be proud