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February 2010

Bad debts: S. 36(1)(vii), (2) of I. T. Act, 1961: A. Y. 2001-02: Assessee share broker purchasing shares for clients and paying money: Money not recoverable from client: Deduction allowable as bad debt:

By K. B. Bhujle | Advocate
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42 Bad debts: S. 36(1)(vii), (2) of I. T. Act, 1961: A. Y. 2001-02: Assessee share broker purchasing shares for clients and paying money: Money not recoverable from client: Deduction allowable as bad debt:

CIT vs. Bonanza Portfolio Ltd.; 320 ITR 178 (Del):

The assessee was in the business of share broking. In the course of its business, the assessee purchased shares on behalf of its clients and paid the purchase money. The brokerage received by the assessee was shown as income in its books of account of the immediate previous year. Since the balance amount of Rs. 50,30,491/- could not be recovered from the client, the assessee wrote-off the amount as bad debt. The assessee claimed the deduction of the said amount as bad debt. The Assessing Officer disallowed the claim on the ground that the conditions for allowing the amount as bad debt, as stipulated in section 36(1)(vii) and read with sub-section (2), were not satisfied. The Tribunal held that the conditions are satisfied and allowed the claim.

On appeal by the Revenue, the Delhi High Court upheld the decision of the Tribunal and held as hereunder:

“i) The money receivable from the client had to be treated as bad, and since it became bad, it was rightly considered as bad debt and claimed as such by the assessee in the books of account.

ii) Since the brokerage payable by the client was a part of the debt and that debt had been taken into account in the computation of the income, the conditions stipulated in section 36(1)(vii) and (2) stood satisfied.”


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