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June 2016


By Unmesh K. Mehta
Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 3 mins
In every person, there is an inherently present ‘awareness’. In fact an
element of ‘awareness’ is there in everything in this universe. However,
in every one, the degree of ‘awareness’ differs widely. Awareness at
its very basic level is crude and gross. As we go higher on the
evolution graph, the level of awareness increases. A tree is more aware
than a stone and an animal is more aware than a tree. In the human
being, who is at the top of the evolution graph, this awareness is the
highest. However, between one human being and another human being, there
is always a difference in the degree of awareness. In every individual
also, his or her level of awareness is different at different age and
time. As the level of awareness increases, an individual becomes
sensitive towards finer aspects of life. At the lower level, the
awareness is mostly physical like that of hunger, thirst, sex impulse
etc. As awareness increases, and becomes more subtle an individual
becomes :

  • more sensitive and perceptive
  • leans more towards finer aspects of life like music, art and natural beauty, etc.
  • Compassionate and practices empathy and
  • Perceives and experiences sublime emotions of love, surrender and oneness.

an individual reaches a higher level of awareness which is possible
only for a human being, he or she actually touches the shores of
Divinity. The greatness of men like Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi
and Albert Einstein was due to their higher level of awareness compared
to that of a normal human being.

This Divine Awareness is the
power that protects us, shows us the way, and lights our path. It is our
best friend, philosopher guide and well wisher. Being ‘aware’ of this
‘awareness’ is the key to a happy life.

One experiences this
awareness only when the mind that is pure, calm and stable. Only in such
a state of mind, one can intensely feel the presence of that Supreme
Power we call `Divinity’. The degree or the intensity of the experience
of this Divine Awareness varies according to the state of one’s mind
which changes all the time. However, having felt it’s presence, one
should then try not to ever lose or let it dim. Whenever, one feels that
this Awareness is dimming, one needs to contemplate and seek reason for
the change and take conscious steps to restore the experienced
awareness. We need to give the experience of Divine Awareness, the
utmost importance and create a conducive environment for Awareness to
continuously improve its intensity. The means of doing this may differ
from person to person. Some may find swadhyaya, satsang etc. helpful,
for others music or meditation may be useful. Whatever the means be, our
purpose should be to increase our level of awareness in our life.

professionals like us, this awareness is of utmost importance. It
prevents us from making mistakes, it shows us the way to avoid pitfalls
and achieve success and happiness in every walk of life.

Awareness gives meaning to our life and yields liberation. Salutations to ‘Awareness’ residing in every being.

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