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December 2024

Audit? Sorry Boss!

By C. N. Vaze, Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 5 mins

Shrikrishna : Arjun, you seem to be relaxed today.

Arjun : Yes. Bhagwan. I have taken the biggest decision in my profession today.

Shrikrishna : Before I forget, I had some work with you. There is a request.

Arjun : Lord, you have to command and not request me. I am your disciple, devotee, younger cousin, friend and even your obedient servant. Actually, you are my Lord! I can’t do anything in my life without your blessings. Please tell me.

Shrikrishna : Actually, I avoided telling it earlier since you were stressed in your deadlines. Now Diwali is over, extended deadlines are over.  Now, only normal work may be there.

Arjun : Bhagwan, howsoever busy I may be, but your work is always a priority. Please tell me. I will only be too pleased.

Shrikrishna : You know, my family has a big dairy business.

Arjun : Yes. You were brought up with milk-maids.

Shrikrishna : Last week, our auditor communicated his inability to continue. I want you to audit my brother’s company’s accounts.

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