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March 2009

Assessment u/s.143(3) on basis of directions of CIT : Sub-sequent CIT exercising power u/s.263 : Not justified.

By K. B. Bhujle, Advocate
Reading Time 2 mins

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64 Revision : S. 263 of Income-tax Act,
1961 : A.Ys. 1980-81 to 1986-87 : Assessment made u/s.143(3) on basis of
directions of CIT : Subsequent CIT exercising power u/s.263 : Not justified.

[Virendra Kumar Jhamb v. N. K. Vohra, 176 Taxman 11

The assessee was doing various types of construction work and
was not maintaining regular books of account. For the A.Ys. 1980-81 to 1986-87,
it approached the Deputy Director of Intelligence (Investigation) under the
Amnesty Scheme and offered the taxable income to be computed at the rate of 4%
of the total receipts. Finally, after discussing with the Deputy Director of
Intelligence and the Commissioner, it was mutually agreed upon that the assessee
would file revised returns for the relevant assessment years at the rate of 8%
of the gross receipts. This was confirmed by the second Commissioner by his
letter dated 30-11-1997. On the basis of the said letter of the Commissioner,
the Assessing Officer completed the assessment u/s. 143(3) of the Income-tax
Act, 1961 computing the income at the rate of 8% of the gross receipts.
Subsequently, third Commissioner issued notices u/s.263 seeking to revise the
assessment orders for the relevant years.


The assessee filed writ petition and challenged the notices.
The Bombay High Court allowed the writ petition, quashed the notices and held :

“(i) The Assessing Officer had passed revised assessment
orders based on the revised returns at 8%. The said orders were solely based
on the directive given by the earlier Commissioner and the same could not be
revised by the subsequent Commissioner exercising the power u/s.163.

(ii) Over and above, there was no error or anything
unsustainable in law. On the contrary, when the second Commissioner had
consistently taken the view that 8% would be a fair percentage, the third
Commissioner could not consider the same as ‘erroneous’ or unsustainable in
law. Therefore, the notices issued u/s. 163 as well as revised assessment
orders passed by the Commissioner were totally unsustainable in law for the
aforesaid reasons. Hence, all the notices issued u/s.263 as well as the
assessment orders passed by the Commissioner had to be quashed and set aside.”

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