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April 2014

Arvind Kejriwal, A Messiah Against Crony Capitalists.

By Tarunkumar G. Singhal, Raman Jokhakar, Chartered Accountants
Reading Time 4 mins
“Society does not go down because of the activities of the criminals but because of the inactivities of the good people”- Swami Vivekananda

In a country which was used to the traditional parties coming back to power again and again with no intention to change the status quo, Aam Aadmi Party’ s (AAP) ascent to power in Delhi was a breathe of fresh air.

This is almost the first time in the history of this country an infant political party formed with the sole aim of providing clean and honest governance had captured the imagination of the people in such a short time. They ran an honest and clean campaign with full disclosure of their funding, which is, quite alien to the current political system in the country. They got enough seats but still not enough to form the government on their own.

The Congress party gave its support, without even it being sought for, as the mandate of the people became very clear. The main agenda of AAP was to bring in the Jan Lokpal Bill and the Swaraj Bill which is core to its agenda of clean and honest governance while empowering the citizens.

One needs to understand that AAP is not a traditional political party. AAP from day one made its intentions very clear that it is not going to play by the status-quo and would resort to unconventional means, if required, to achieve its goals. They were fearless to take on any system or individuals to prove their point. Some call it anarchy while many call it revolution.

There are divergent views on the constitutional powers of the Delhi assembly to pass Jan Lokpal bill without the consent of the Central Government. Without getting into the merits of such arguments, they are two things, which I think are important.

First, what is the use of the power if you can’t bring the change you want to bring in? AAP’s core agenda is to pass the Jan Lokpal Bill and Swaraj Bill in the Delhi Assembly. If the existing system does not allow them to pass such laws, for whatever reasons, without falling into the trap of the traditional status quoits compromises which the system demands, what is the use of such power?

Second, with the dependency on Congress and BJP being very high to pass the bill, waiting for some more time is not going to help. If both Congress and BJP wanted a strong Lokpal Bill as requested by Anna and his team including Arvind Kejriwal, they could have passed astrong Lokpal Bill in the Parliament itself. The diluted Lokpal Bill passed in the Parliament is a testimony to their intentions. Going to courts is not an option as the timelines are long.

One can hate him, ignore him or term him as an anarchist. But, majority will see him as a crusader who had questioned the current system and asked the most difficult questions which the mainstream parties are scared to ask. He will be seen as a messiah who had sacrificed the power just to fight against the crony capitalism and corruption in this country. His focus on providing clean governance where honest enterprises can do business and flourish, will resonate well with majority of the corporate that are honest.

By resigning, Arvind Kejriwal had clearly made Corruption, Clean governance and Crony capitalism (three “C”s) as the main issues for the 2014 parliamentary elections. It will clearly resonate well with larger sections of the electorate who are honest. I strongly believe that it is very important for the idea of AAP to succeed, as its failure will only take the Crony capitalism and Corruption to disproportionate levels.

(Source: Extract from an article by V. Balakrishnan in The Economic Times of India, dated 17-02-2014)

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