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June 2011

(2011) 22 STR 41 (Tri.-Ahmd.) — Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd. v. CCEx., Vadodara.

By Puloma Dalal
Jayesh Gogri
Chartered Accountants
Reading Time 2 mins
Marketing of goods manufactured by client — Taxable under business auxiliary service — Not a commission agent, therefore not entitled for exemption.

Demand and penalty — Time-barred for part period — As bona fide intention proved — Matter remanded for quantification.

The appellants had entered into a ‘Marketing agreement’ with its joint venture to sell, distribute, market, advertise and promote the products of joint venture. The appellants had a belief that the services rendered by them during the period 1-7-2003 to 8-7-2004 were of a commission agent and were fully exempt under Notification No. 13/2003-S.T., dated 20-6-2003. Therefore, they did not pay any Service tax on the services rendered by them. However, the said Notification was withdrawn w.e.f. 9-7-2004 and as a consequence of which the appellants got themselves registered with the Service Tax Department in August 2004.

The Revenue contended that the services provided by the appellants were taxable under business auxiliary service and benefit of exemption Notification cannot be availed as the appellants were not the commission agents. Commission agent meant a person who causes sale or purchase of goods on behalf of another person for a consideration. The commission agents usually charge a fixed percentage of sale price, but the appellants were not charging a fixed percentage. Additionally, the scope of activities undertaken by the appellants is far beyond the activities of commission agent and fall within the purview of definition of business auxiliary service.

The extended period of limitation was invoked. However, the appellants contended that the limitation of five years cannot be invoked as the intention of the appellants was bona fide since they had immediately registered themselves when the relevant exemption Notification was withdrawn.

The services were to be taxable under business auxiliary service. However, due to reasonable cause for failure to pay Service tax, the penalties levied on the appellants were set aside. Further, the matter was remanded for quantification of demand within the period of limitation.

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