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April 2017

2. [2017] 78 242 (Delhi – Trib.) EIH Ltd. vs. ITO ITA Nos.: 2642 to 2645 (Delhi) of 2015 A.Ys.: 2004-05 to 2007-08 Date of Order: 14th February, 2017

By C. N. Vaze
Shailesh Kamdar
Jagdish T. Punjabi
Bhadresh Doshi, Chartered Accountants
Reading Time 3 mins
Sections 15 r.w.s. 17, 192 – U/s. 192 there is no liability on the assessee to deduct tax at source on ‘TIPS’ recovered by the assessee from guests and paid to employees.

The assessee company was engaged in the business of a chain of hotels (The Oberoi Group). A survey u/s. 133A was carried out at the business premises of the assessee company at Hotel – The Oberoi, New Delhi. In the course of the survey proceedings, it was noticed that the assessee company was in receipt of extra amount known as “TIPS” paid by the guests in cash or through credit cards at the time of settlement of bills in appreciation of good services provided by the service staff. On disbursal of this amount, by the assessee to the employees, no tax was deducted.

The Assessing Officer (AO) was of the view that since TIPS are paid to the employees in lieu of rendering prompt services for their employer, hence these accrued to the employees for services rendered as employees for their employer. He, accordingly, held that the assessee has failed to deduct tax and passed separate orders holding the assessee to be an assessee in default and passed orders u/s. 201(1) / 201(1A) for each of the assessment years.

Aggrieved, the assessee preferred an appeal to CIT(A) who confirmed the action of the AO.

Aggrieved, the assessee preferred an appeal to the Tribunal.

The Tribunal noted that the Apex Court in the case of ITC Ltd. vs. CIT (TDS) [2016] 384 ITR 14 (SC) has on analysis of section 15 has held that for the said section to apply, there should be a vested right in an employee to claim any salary from an employer or former employer. It held that since TIPS were received from the customers and not from the employer these would be chargeable in the hands of the employee as income from other sources and section 192 would not get attracted on the facts of the case. The Tribunal observed that the facts as considered by the Apex Court in the case of ITC Ltd.’s case (supra) would fully apply to the present case.  It also noted that the cognisance of the judicial precedence has already been taken by the co-ordinate “SMC” Bench in its order dated 12.7.2016 in the case of the assessee itself.

The Tribunal held that the assessee cannot be said to be in default of the provisions of section 192 of the Act as there was no liability of the assessee to deduct TDS under the said provision on TIPS recovered from hotel guests. Therefore, it cannot be held to be an assessee in default. Since interest u/s. 201(1A) can only be levied on a person who is declared as an assessee in default the question of interest does not arise. The Tribunal quashed the orders of the AO u/s. 201(1) / 201(1A) for the respective years.

The appeals filed by the assessee were allowed.

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