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January 2017

12. Penalty – Year of taxability of income – u/s.271 (1) (c)

By Ajay R. Singh
Reading Time 3 mins

The CIT, vs. M/s. Otis Elevator Co.(I) Ltd. [ Income tax
Appeal no 758 of 2014, dt : 15/11/2016 (Bombay High Court)].

[DCIT, vs. M/s. M/s. Otis Elevator Co.(I)
Ltd,. [ITA No. 4509/MUM/2012,; Bench : C ; dated 21/08/2013 ; 2007-2008 . Mum.

The assessee is engaged in manufacturing and
sale of elevators / lifts. In the subject AY, the assessee had declared an
income of Rs.89.04 crore. The AO added a sum of Rs. 7.35 crore on account of
advances received on dormant contracts prior to 2004. Finally, the AO
determined the taxable income of the assessee at Rs.156.05 crore in his order in quantum proceedings and also initiated
penalty proceedings u/s. 271(1)(c) of the Act.

In the penalty proceedings, the assessee
explained that the amounts of Rs.7.35 crore shown as advances in respect of
dormant contracts were in fact offered to tax in the subsequent AYs 2008-09 and
2009-10. Consequently, the assessee contended that no penalty u/s. 271(1)(c) of
the Act is imposable. However, the AO did not accept the above contention and
imposed a penalty of Rs. 2.47 crore u/s. 271(1)(c) of the Act upon the assessee
for concealing income by filing inaccurate particulars.

Being aggrieved, the assessee preferred an
appeal to CIT(A). By order the CIT(A) held that the amounts received as
advances in respect of dormant contracts and shown as current liability were in
fact offered to tax during the subsequent AYs i.e. Assessment Years 2008-09 and
2009-10 even before the proceedings for assessment of the subject AY i.e. AY
2007-08 were initiated in November, 2010. The CIT(A) in his order records the
fact that the return of income for AY’s 2008-09 and 2009-10 were filed on 29th
September, 2008 and 30th September, 2009 that is much before
November, 2010. In these circumstances, the CIT(A) allowed the appeal of the
assessee and deleted the penalty of Rs.2.47 crore u/s. 271(1)(c) of the Act
imposed by the AO.

Being aggrieved, the Revenue carried the
issue of penalty in appeal to the Tribunal. On consideration of the facts, the
Tribunal held that the advances relating to the dormant contracts were offered
to tax in the subsequent assessment years even before any inquiry was initiated
by the AO to complete the assessment for the subject AY. Consequently, the
Tribunal held that it was not a case of concealment of income but rather the
dispute was only with regard to in which year the income was taxable. The
Tribunal dismissed the Revenue’s appeal.

In Revenue appeal, the High court note that
the basis for imposition of penalty is non payment of tax on the amount
received on dormant accounts in the subject assessment year. Both the CIT(A)
and the Tribunal have rendered a finding of fact that these amounts / advances
relating to dormant contracts have already been offered to tax for the
subsequent AY’s i.e. Assessment Years 2008-09 and 2009-10. In the present
facts, undisputedly the income has been declared in the subsequent assessment
years before the assessment proceedings for the subject AY 2007-08 was
initiated. Thus, the only issue which arises is about the year of taxability of
income and it is certainly not a question of concealment of income and / or
filing of inaccurate particulars of income by the assessee.

The above concurrent finding of facts as well as
the acceptance of the assessee’s explanation by CIT(A) and the Tribunal has not
been shown to be perverse. Therefore, the question as proposed does not give
rise to any substantial question of law. Thus, not entertained. Accordingly,
the appeal is dismissed.

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