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November 2024

मुखरस्तत्र हन्यते

By C. N. Vaze, Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 3 mins

This is a very interesting subhashit that cautions people while becoming a leader. Its apparent meaning is that one should avoid accepting leadership. However, the real implication is not at all negative. It only says that while becoming a leader, one should bear in mind certain realities of human psychology. The text is as follows:

न गणस्याग्रतो गच्छेत् सिद्धे कार्ये समं फलम् | यदि कार्यविपत्ति: स्यात् मुखरस्तत्र हन्यते ||

Verbatim meaning —

One should avoid leading a group. If the task is successful, everybody comes forward to share the credit. However, if there is a failure, if the task is not performed properly, the leader gets a beating!

'Beating' here may be in the form of criticisms not only from outsiders but also from the members of the group.

We come across such examples in day-to-

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