Monthly mouth-piece of BCAS, the BCA Journal is a leading publication that has been in continuous circulation for more than 55 years. Over the years the BCAJ has become synonymous with high-quality & authentic content across fields of finance, accounting, tax & regulatory matters. The BCAJ has wide circulation across India & commands huge respect amongst the Chartered Accountants` community.
BCA Journal, a 49 years old monthly publication is entering the 50th golden year of its existence in April, 2018. It contains best of the articles and features which are uploaded on the website in the form of E-Journal, offering twin benefits of receiving hard copy as well as viewing online. E-Journals are available on BCAS website for the past twenty years.
Every year BCAS publishes Referencer along with an App which is an indispensable tool for practicing professionals as well as those in the industry. BCAS also publishes books on varied topics of professional interest.
BCAS makes representations to various authorities on different laws as well as on procedural issues, with a view to making them just and friendly to the general public. The representations include pre and post budget memoranda to the Ministry of Finance and Central Board of Direct Taxes besides to the Ministry of Company Affairs among others.
BCAS conducts various educational activities such as seminars, workshops, residential refresher courses, study circles, lecture meetings, distant learning programs on Service tax and TDS.
BCAS conducts free clinics including Accounts & Audit Clinic, Charitable Trust Clinic and RTI Clinic to help the members & non-members in respective areas. Eminent experts provide free advice at these clinics on pre-fixed days.
The website of BCAS viz., apart from giving the latest news, circulars and notifications relevant for professionals, also serves as a “Knowledge Portal”, and is an excellent source of information.