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PIT as a concept finds its origination way back in 1992 around the same time when SEBI Act, 1992 was enacted. The objective of the “The Securities Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 is to prevent Insider Trading by prohibiting trading, communicating, counselling, or procuring ‘unpublished price sensitive information’ relating to a company to profit at the expense of the general investors who do not have access to such information”
SEBI (PIT) regulations have undergone various amendments from time to time based on changing market conditions and experience gathered through regulatory enforcement actions. The focus has always been on making the regulation more predictable, precise and clear by suggesting a combination of principle-based regulation and rules that are backed by principles.
Some of the key changes which have been implemented in the last one year include;
i. re-visiting the key elements of trading plan,
ii. amending the definition of connected person and relatives,
iii. bringing Mutual Funds Units under the ambit of PIT Regulations.