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January 2025

Waiver Scheme

By Sunil Gabhawalla | Rishabh Singhvi | Parth Shah, Chartered Accountants
Reading Time 22 mins

Equity and Taxation are considered as aliens to each other. Successive Governments have introduced amnesty, dispute resolution, waiver and / or trade facilitation schemes for benefit of taxpayers. Legal ambiguity, legacy laws, tax augmentation, administrative backlog, etc. have been the primary drivers for such schemes. While every scheme is open to criticism for being detrimental to the interest of tax diligent persons, being a policy decision and beneficial to a litigant class, they have not been challenged on the grounds of equality. However, these optional schemes are subject to strict application of the law, with Courts inclined to examine the intent only in case of any ambiguity in the law. This implies that applicants or cases which are not expressly included in the scheme cannot take shelter under such schemes. One such scheme has been proposed by way of insertion of Section 128A to CGST Act, 2017.

Though the scheme has been understood by many as an ‘amnesty’, it should be appreciated that the scheme neither provides for any haircut in ‘tax payments’, nor does it provide for immunity from prosecution, late fees, redemption fines, etc. The waiver is conditional and limited only towards interest and penalty payable under specific disputes. It would be inappropriate to term this as a ‘dispute resolution’ since the scheme does not preclude the revenue from agitating the matter even on conclus

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