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August 2024

BCAS President CA Anand Bathiya’s Message for the Month of August 2024

By CA Anand Bathiya, President
Reading Time 6 mins

Dear BCAS Family,

On July 6th, 2024, our Society completed 75 revolutions around the Sun. Our history chronicles the evolution from a small group of dedicated professionals gathering on Wednesdays to what is now the largest and oldest voluntary body of Chartered Accountants in India, with representation spanning over 350+ cities and towns nationwide. It is a fascinating phenomenon as to why, year-after-year, thousands of Chartered Accountants continue to revere our Society as a hub to fulfil their intellectual hunger and admire our Society as a pinnacle in enabling professional development.

The single most important reason for this incredible evolution and longevity of our Society over the last many decades has been the ‘constant urge and effort to stay relevant’. Being an observer of the inner functioning of our Society, I had the privilege to closely witness this continuous process of institutional self-reflection and the enduring drive towards ‘staying relevant’ to our community. This attribute of ‘staying relevant’ hinges on remaining conscious and alert to changing times and changing needs of our community.

It is of no surprise that with great honour, our Society wears the Sanskrit aphorism, “न भयं चास्ति जाग्रत:” (na bhayam chasti jagratah) as i

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