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October 2023

Welfare Kingdom

By C N Vaze, Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 4 mins

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom which had two different names in two languages. People were fighting among themselves about which name should be used in government communications. The king was very strict, selfless and disciplined. He wanted to make his country strong and very wealthy.

Once, he was sitting in his court discussing the situation in the country along with his ministers. Suddenly, he heard some people shouting and crying outside the court. The security person came in and reported that some people in very simple attire wanted to meet the king.

King : Who are they?

Security : Maharaj, I don’t know, but they appear to be some social workers.

King : You should have asked them what they want.

Security : I asked, but I didn’t understand what they were saying.

King : You are an idiot. Can’t you understand even simple things?

Security : I am sorry, Maharaj. Sometimes, even our bosses don’t understand what law they have made! And bosses say that sometimes even the ministers don’t understand!

King : Shut up.

Security : Maharaj, they were uttering the words like trust found

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