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July 2023

Disciplinary Proceedings – When They Start?

By C.N. Vaze, Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 5 mins
Arjun: O’Lord! There are problems, problems and problems! No solutions anywhere. Shri Krishna: That’s life, Parth! Even as a God, I also have problems - very complex ones. Arjun: Ah! How can you have problems, Krishna? Shri Krishna: Don’t you remember? I was born in a jail when my parents were in prison of the tyrant Kaunsa. Immediately after my birth, during heavy rains, I was taken to Gokul, on the opposite bank of river Jamuna. And in my early childhood, many demons came to kill me. Even after I grew up and became a king, there were disputes among my community of Yadavas. In my family, there was friction between my wives! Arjun: Yes, and we, as your cousins, also fought amongst ourselves. You had to mediate between us. Shri Krishna: True. But tell me, what is your problem now? Arjun: We CAs need to fill up forms for empanelment so that we can get audit assignments from Government authorities, banks and so on. Shri Krishna: It has to be so! Arjun: Even for private sector companies, we need to give a declaration every year for appointment or renewal. Shri Krishna: Then what is wrong with that? What is your problem? Arjun: In those forms and declarations, we need to write whether any of the partners have been held guilty of professi