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October 2022

Cursed Animals

By C. N. Vaze, Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 3 mins
The Kingdom of Gods was governed by the God of Gods – GOG. Thousands of gods and demi-gods stayed happily in this kingdom. All facilities to enjoy their lives were freely available to them.

However, GOG was not sure whether all gods were performing their roles properly, and discharging their duties diligently. Therefore, he thought that a certain degree of checking or verification was required.

GOG asked Brihaspati, the Guru of the Gods, to set up certain principles and define the duties of various gods. It was a very complicated document to regulate the functions of all.

The question was – who would check all this? So, a very difficult examination was conducted. Very few intelligent gods passed the examination. GOG authorised them to perform the duty of checking. They were called ‘Registered Gods’ – RGs. The picture painted before them was a very rosy picture.

The first point of checking was Kubera, the treasurer of gods. Whether all gods to whom offerings were made by human beings on earth deposited their collections in the Kubera’s treasury. Whether Kubera utilised it properly, and whether the accounts were properly drawn up and presented.

GOG found that the Sun has become irregular. He disappeared in between and suddenly generated too much heat. It led to global warming. So, GOG introduced energy conservation checking and the overall functioning of the Sun.

It was then f