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July 2020


By Niranjan Punjabi
Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 4 mins

In today’s technology-driven era, people
seeking information use Google or any other search engine. The search engine
being accessed does not have any data, it searches and lists out the websites
where the information being sought is available. The preciseness of such a
search depends on how specific is the question that is keyed in.


Leaving this discussion aside, let me take
up another aspect of our life – Prayers. Let me clarify here that by prayers I
am not referring to the scripted prayers
pertaining to any religion or
community whatsoever, that I have been uttering without actually understanding
their meaning. Further, for prayers I don’t know why but I am taught to visit a
temple, stand in front of an idol, and so on.


What I am referring to by prayers here is
the ‘inner conversation’ that we hold with an unseen energy, ‘The Universe’.
May be, the conversation (inner talk) is initiated by the name and with the
imagination of a deity. Going deeper into this inner talk, what exactly am I
doing? Broadly, I am either in a mode of (1) gratitude, (2) seeking help, or
(3) seeking forgiveness.


While in the mode of ‘gratitude’, I
basically express my thankfulness for all that I have attained / achieved.
Being in satiety, my thought process is fine-tuned to the best with the
universe, thereby enabling me to take rational, considered decisions which
further uplifts me in all aspects of life.


In the mode of ‘seeking help’, I am, for
some moments, focusing on a particular issue that is being experienced or faced
by me, trying to narrate it as it is being experienced by me and raising a few
questions thereto which makes me uncomfortable. In the process, my clarity on
the issue magnifies and my thought process is energised on that precise issue.
In such a circumstance, I generate the possibilities which can resolve my
issues. I focus on them, short-list them and undertake that if it so happens,
then I would undertake some sort of sacrifice. Thus, I am committing myself to
work on the path of a possible solution. In this mode, the clearer I am in
focusing on the possible solutions, the higher is the possibility of the issue
getting resolved.


In the mode of ‘seeking forgiveness’, from
my inner-most thoughts I admit my wrong-doings and seek forgiveness from the
Universe. In the process, I realise my wrongs and, having realised them, would
certainly restrain myself from repeating them. This gets me to the mode of
improvement, upliftment, betterment. The more the clarity about my wrong deeds,
the more would be the tendency of avoiding repetition of such deeds.


Now, correlating the two seemingly
independent activities discussed above, viz., a search engine and a Prayer, the
similarity lies in the clarity of the question / issue being raised. Be it a
Google Search or be it a Prayer, clarity in you, your desires, as to what you
are seeking, is what leads you to the path of success. Yes, the analogy between
a ‘search engine’ and a ‘Prayer’ is that what a search engine does in the
‘world wide web (www)’ is what our Prayers do in the ‘Universe’.


This is like making a proper blue-print for
constructing a bridge. However, the blue-print does not give you a bridge. That
is not the result. Taking action in that direction is like constructing a
bridge after making a proper blue-print, leading to the destination and
fulfilment of desires. Without action, it is just a blue-print, lying in a
file, and nothing constructive about it.


To conclude, be it a search engine or a
Prayer, clarity (visualisation) followed by action is what leads to
actualisation. Hein ji, sab sambhav hai!

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