16. [2018] 99 taxmann.com 183 (Chennai – Trib.) Panasonic
Corporation vs. DCIT ITA No.: 1483
(Chny) of 2017 A.Y. 2013-14 Date of Order: 2nd
August, 2018
9 of the Act; Article 12 of India-Japan DTAA – payments received by Japanese
company in respect of deputation of high-level technical executives to Indian
subsidiary were FTS, particularly because technical knowledge was made
available; in absence of reconciliation of receipts with actual payments, the
receipts could not be treated as reimbursement of cost.
The Taxpayer was a company
incorporated in Japan. (“FCo”). FCo was engaged in the business of electrical
and electronic products and systems. FCo had a subsidiary in India (“ICo”). In
the course of its business, FCo deputed certain high-level technical executives
to ICo for providing highly technical services to ICo. ICo reimbursed the
salaries of the deputed employees to FCo.
According to ICo, since it was a
case of mere reimbursement of expenses, the receipts by FCo could not be construed
as income of FCo. Further, the objective of secondment was to support ICo and
there was no economic benefit to FCo.
According to the AO, ICo was
required to withhold tax from the payment. Since ICo had not withheld the tax,
the AO disallowed2 the
deduction while passing draft assessment order. The DRP directed FCo to
reconcile receipts from ICo with actual payments. FCo could not reconcile the
same. DRP observed that routing salary through FCo was with the twin objectives
of having absolute control over seconded employees and not letting the customer
know about the margin retained by FCo over the actual salary. DRP further
observed that services rendered by employees of FCo made technology available
to ICo which was apparent since subsequently there was no requirement for
deputation of employees again.
Relying on decision in Food
World Supermarkets Ltd vs. DDIT [2015] 63 taxmann.com 43, DRP conducted
that irrespective of whether amount was received with mark-up or on
cost-to-cost basis, it had to be considered as FTS. Since FCo could not
reconcile the receipts with actual payments, it could not be treated as
reimbursement of expenses.