The best method of persuasion in these circumstances is to connect with people on a very personal level. This is often referred to as a ‘hook’. Use vivid descriptions and metaphors to draw others into your vision. Share personal stories and experiences to demonstrate that what you’re suggesting is the right choice. Make sure you highlight what’s in it for them personally if they adopt your perspective or make a change.
What fears can you address to build trust and cultivate a feeling of safety in supporting your position? What motivations can you tap into to create alignment? Where can you find common ground to unite viewpoints? You are at your most convincing when you first appeal to the perspective, fear or motivation of your audience. Your goal in winning hearts is to make whatever you have to say matter on a personal level.…
The science of persuasion lies in winning minds with logical, well-articulated positioning and analysis in favour of your idea. To win minds, you have to do your homework. You certainly need a logical argument to support your perspective. Start by describing a situation everyone can agree is worth discussing, including both what it is and why it warrants attention.
(Extracts from “Focus on Winning Either Hearts or Minds” by Ms Lisa Lai in The Economic Times dated 22-05- 2015.)