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November 2009

True knowledge

By Mihir Sheth, Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 4 mins

William Blake, a renowned English poet and a mystic writer once said “Knowledge is an eternal delight”. However cryptic as it may sound, it is very profound in its exact context. Simply put, True Knowledge is one that fills us with eternal delight; everlasting bliss that does not beget arrogance of its attainment.

Look around and what we find is that knowledge in current times is often mistaken for information. We often feel insecure, unhappy because we apparently do not possess those super skills of interpreting and assimilating constant barrage of information that is bombarded on us. Preoccupied with efforts in interpreting, we not only feel inadequate but forget the joy that true knowledge brings in our lives. As Eric Berne writes “The moment a little boy is concerned with knowing which is jay and which is a cuckoo, he has lost his joy of hearing them sing”.

It is the lack of True Knowledge that deprives us from progressing towards the real purpose of our lives — which is to attain eternal joy by enlightening ourselves.

What is a True Knowledge ?

True Knowledge is wisdom that life in human form is a blessing endowed by the Almighty to transcend beyond ‘Have and have not’. It is a journey which may begin with yearning for ‘many and more’ but culminates where there is sheer abundance without possessions. It is something which gives sense of fulfillment not from physical or intellectual possessions but from enlightenment about cosmic laws of universe.

These cosmic laws are :

    1. Freedom of choice :

        Greatest of human freedom is the ability to make choices in life. Realisation that we are what we have chosen to become can be a life-changing experience. No one can make us sad or inadequate, unfulfilled and unaccomplished without our consent. Power of knowing that life as given is a blank slate where we have a choice to determine our roadmap both by thought and action is the supreme knowledge which is extremely potent.

    2. Process of evolution :

        Knowledge that life is an evolving process brings great serenity in our lives. Nature wants us to learn from our mistakes; not punish us with low self esteem. Every mistake that we make, every obstacle that we face is a great lesson for us to move forward in life by knowing what ought to have been done. It gives us opportunity to integrate ourselves seamlessly with the process of change that nature desires for our growth and betterment. This knowledge teaches us to flow and not resist.

    3. Abundance :

        The thin line dividing humanity from divinity is a knowledge that everything in universe is in abundant supply. The understanding that we must cultivate is that universe is made up of energy which is constantly flowing. In order to get more from life we must be prepared to give more. This giving should not originate from compulsion or expectation of receiving something in return but out of sheer love and compassion of giving. Giving can be a compliment, help, charity or even a benign smile. When we learn to give, we create space for positive energies in our lives which in turn create a magnetic force of attracting like-minded people and environment conducive to achieving a true sense of fulfillment and bliss.

        German philosopher Frederic Nietzsche wrote “Every enquiry starts in doubt and fulfills the need. If you strive for pleasures and comforts for self then believe in what is tangible; but if you want to be a devotee of truth then enquire into what seems intangible”. A simple question ‘Who Am I’ led Raman Maharshi to his salvation. Why then, not begin the search for True Knowledge right from today ? Why not yearn for that treasure which shall bring an eternal delight in our lives ? Let us not forget what Jesus said :

    “Seek and ye shall find”

    Let us seek ‘True Knowledge’ to live a fulfilled life.

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